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Noah, Growing Up Too Fast!

Noah… We cannot believe how fast Noah has grown!! We found the toddler “thrown away” at our front gate. He had been beaten, had teeth marks, his hair was missing, and some of his teeth appeared to have been knocked out! He had been tortured, maybe by a father deep in Voodoo. His face had “horror,” written all over! We took him to our “Jesus Healing Center Clinic,” which scared him even more!! He was in for “a long time of healing!”

It took at least a year for him to trust us. But as soon as he let us hug him and as soon as he realized he was “part of the family,” he adjusted to the orphanage and to school. He made friends, is 10 years old now, and will be in the fourth grade! He wants to be a mechanic!! Ok, Noah! Your job is waiting for you!! But in the meantime, keep on working hard making good grades! We all love this kid!!


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