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Latest Updated Haiti News: 

Someone was telling me last night that the gangs in Haiti are not listed as gangs. For legal reasons, they are classified as terrorists. In Ganthier just 8 miles from us, the terrorists still have the town. None of the 2,000 families that the 400 Mawozo ran from their homes have returned. Ganthier needs to be taken back and given back to the people!

I believe Prime Minister Conille, along with the new police chief of Haiti, are about to take a crushing blow to the gangs. Some new armored tanks just arrived for the Kenyans and the police.

Thank you for your prayers. We have been under a heavy load and a lot of stress here at Love A Child, along with the people of Fond Parisien. With the gangs breathing down our necks, we have strong security to defend Love A Child and Fond Parisien. I know a lot of our friends are worrying about us. The Lord has sent us the best elite Haitian security anyone in Haiti has, plus we have ex-Marines (once a Marine always a Marine) with more coming in ASAP. You will hear more about this later this week. Our police are strong here in town. The community brigade is ready to fight for their town and Love A Child. The community even has a 100-woman brigade with only machetes, but they know how to use them!! Our orphan children are doing good. We are here working for the Lord with a tool in one hand and a sword in our other hand!! Nehemiah 4:6-15

Bobby and Sherry

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