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“Will Work for Food!”

I’m sure you have seen people on the highways, in towns, under trees, and just about everywhere with signs reading, “Will work for food!”

But actually, most are not hungry but just want money to buy beer, cigarettes, and drugs. Last time we were in the States we saw a man standing in front of McDonald’s with a similar sign like that… But on the McDonald’s sign, it read: “Help Wanted. Apply Inside!”

We never saw anyone going inside to fill out an application form.

We have lots of young teens and older kids here in Haiti who work hard with chores outside and inside! Last week, our kids worked several days in the Food Distribution Center, hot and sweaty, packing food.

When they are not busy with another project they are working at the orphanage!! Our kids actually “Work for Food,” but they even work a little harder for candy or ice cream!! Ha!

They are good kids, but they know we have “wonderful partners!” Thank you, and God bless you!!


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