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Urgent Update from Haiti:

Sherry and I are in the Dominican Republic today, flying out to Florida this afternoon. We were supposed to leave on the 15th of last month for a very important doctor’s appointment. We don’t want to return today to Florida, but we must. Jesse Ostrander is there in Haiti, now, to run things and be with the children. Farmer John flew in yesterday also… more security came in yesterday with more coming in today, the best in the world. When the time comes, I will share it with you.

Urgent Prayer is Needed:

Last night, the leader of the 400 Mawozo gang, “lanmo sanjou” (death without days), threatened to attack Fond Parisien and Love A Child. Nothing happened, but our security and people have drones in the air keeping a close eye on the gang. They are mounting forces and have “9 black suspicious vehicles.” LAC security is putting barricades across the road right now. Looks like the government is not sending any help. The gangs in Haiti pay off most of them. Fond Parisien and Love A Child are on “red alert code.” When it’s time, I will share with you about our security and tell you who is helping us. We probably have the best-secured location in Haiti, with the strongest security.

With our orphan children there and LAC staff, along with the Fond Parisien people, we are not going to let the gangs just walk in and take the town! The “Mawozo” want us to be afraid of them and flee. Warning… the 400 Mawozo better be afraid of us. We have the firepower, God, and all His Angels! We are all mad as h… Enough is enough!

Jesse and Farmer John are there now and ready to defend. We are not attacking anyone, just defending. “Building the wall of the Lord with one hand and the other hand is holding a sword fighting off the enemy!” Nehemiah 4:17

Thank you for your prayers and support which is needed more than ever!!

Bobby and Sherry

We are doing everything possible, but letting God do the impossible.”

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