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Word from the Mission Field

The God of Restoration…

Have you ever had a great loss in your life? Maybe it was your job? Maybe you lost your car or house because you could not make the payments? Joel 2:25 declares, “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.”

We have all suffered some type of loss in our life. Maybe you had your car repossessed, or you could not make the payment on your house, or whatever… Those “things” God is able to restore! Years ago, when we were preaching on the streets, we had a new truck and could not make payments on it! GMAC was always after it!! But there came a time of blessing in our lives, when God did restore all the things that the locust, and the cankerworm, and the palmerworm had eaten! Get ready for “restoration,” and begin to praise Him before He does it! Now, that’s faith!


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