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He’s a “Tough Little Guy!”

Ti David was the seventh child of a poor family. His parents said that they could not afford to feed another child so when Ti David was a little older, they asked a neighbor to take him. When the neighbor could not feed him, they took him to the Department of Social Services. They called us and asked us to take him in!

Ti David is now 14 years old and will be in the 7th grade. He has not yet decided on what he wants to become, but I would say he wants to be a driver and a mechanic!! He loves playing soccer with his brothers, doing “chores,” and playing dominos! (I can hear the dominos being slammed on the old table right now!)

Ti David “looks tough,” but his spirit is so gentle! He loves to feed the animals and to help in any way he can! He is usually hanging around the older boys to see if there is a chance of “riding in a truck!” I can see this little guy working with “heavy equipment” and loving it! Thank you, Partners, for making a difference in this life!!


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