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Jonas is Determined!

Jonas… We found Jonas in the mountains during a “Food Distribution.” After we finished feeding the hungry children, our eyes caught a glimpse of a thin, dirty, little boy, working in the hot sun, with grown men. We went to talk to him, but he kept looking around as if someone was going to beat him!

Sure enough, there was a big woman yelling at him! We knew immediately that Jonas was a “restavek” child. His parents died and so he had to go live with a relative, who made him work all day and never let him go to school! When we took in Jonas, “he could not hold a pencil!” We hired a schoolteacher to work with him, but it was nearly a year until “he could hold a pencil” or a “piece of chalk!”

Jonas is older than the children in his class, but he is determined to make it to the sixth grade! He is quiet, sweet, and hardworking! He is a “jewel!” Pray for Jonas and God’s Hand upon his life.


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