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Word from the Mission Field

Drawing a “Line in the Sand!”

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult to “draw a line in the sand.”

Our school children have cell phones, TikTok, etc., television, and much more to draw them into things of Satan. Even good children face things that we never had to face!! We cannot give in to Satan! We must stand firm on God’s Word, with wisdom, in love, and with an understanding heart!

The Lord is telling us to make a stand… “Joshua had to make a stand also! It wasn’t easy, but he said these words, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Today, you may think that your children will not be tempted. There are “lying spirits” that will tell them, “It’s ok; it’s just a drug.” or, “It’s OK, you won’t get pregnant!” or “It’s OK, you can try just a little bit!”

No! You cannot allow Satan to have to your children! “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

If you will set your heart to say this and believe it, the Lord God will watch over and protect your children!!” we thank God for His Word!


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