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Word from the Mission Field

“God Never Forgets.”

“And God heard their groaning (the children of Israel) and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.” Exodus 2:24

Has God ever made you a promise? God speaks to us in many ways… in our hearts, through His Word, through a man of God, or through a dream. God had made a promise, a covenant with Abraham. He knew that His people would be slaves for over 400 years and that when the time was right, God would bring them out of bondage.

Now, fast-forward to a meek, stuttering man named Moses, tending to his father-in-law’s sheep, “on the backside of the desert.” In order to get Moses’ attention, He appears in a “flaming bush,” that keeps on burning. Sometimes, the Lord will have to do something, “to get our attention” to remind us that He is still a “Covenant Keeping God,” a God who “Never Forgets!” Have a great day!


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