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Call to Action!

Call to Action!

September 1-7, 2015


Attention to all of our Love A Child Partners,
Church Members and Women’s Organizations.


Love A Child mother and baby


“For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there.” — 1 Samuel 1:27-28

The poor in Haiti struggle each day. The struggles of pregnant women are even greater. These poor ladies were never educated about prenatal or postnatal care so oftentimes the birthing process is dangerous and the mother and/or baby die. It is so sad. These deaths can be prevented with proper care and education.

Love A Child mother and baby


Thanks to Dor’e Aslandes, we now have a brand new Malnutrition Clinic that is located right beside the Jesus Healing Center. This Malnutrition Clinic has been lifesaving for the mothers and babies.

malnutrition center


We offer lots of wonderful programs at our Malnutrition Clinic. Our Healthy Mother and Baby Outreach Program begins with education and proper nutrition for mothers and newborns. Once we get the mothers enrolled in our classes and wellness check-up programs, we see the results everyday and it is a joy to see these healthy babies.

Love A Child baby


Even with our programs, it is still a struggle for many pregnant women to get the help they need to have healthy babies and stay healthy themselves. Without the support of our Malnutrition Clinic, many babies will not survive to the age of five. Many mothers will die in childbirth because of unsanitary conditions of delivering a child in a mud hut without proper care.

Love A Child mother and child


The lack of proper prenatal care and malnutrition are also a major factor in these needless deaths. Much of this occurs because of the lack of maternity education and access to postnatal medical care for these poor mothers.

Love A Child mother and baby malnutrition


Barbara MacMannis, our Medical Administrator at the Jesus Healing Center, is dedicated to service in the community, and our Healthy Mother and Baby Outreach Program. She is doing a great job. Her staff is committed to helping educate these new mommies about taking care of their babies.

malnutrition baby


In our Healthy Mother and Baby Outreach Program, we see an average of about 1,000 patients every month. Our programs include: OB-GYN, Family Planning, Vaccinations, and Malnutrition. The staff holds educational classes for pregnant mothers in which they must attend all the classes to get the full benefits of the program and the gift of a “Birthing Kit.”

Pregnant women prenatal care


We have special OB classes to help train and teach poor mothers how to care for their children. In their eighth month of pregnancy, we give them a gift of a “Birthing Kit.” All of these precautions help to deliver healthy babies.

Love A Child mother and baby


We also take our Healthy Mother and Baby Outreach Program to the “regions beyond.” Families receive classes on hygiene, nutrition and safe home deliveries. The death rate of babies, children and new mothers in the remote areas of Haiti is very high.

Healthy Mother and Baby Outreach Program


When we visit and conduct educational classes located in very remote areas of Haiti or high in the mountains, we can see the difference that our outreach is making for these poor families. These ladies look forward to receiving one of our “Birthing Kits” in their eighth month of pregnancy. These poor women are given very little throughout their lives and when they receive one of our “Birthing Kits,” it shows love and provides hope. We have a hard time keeping our Malnutrition Clinic stocked with “Birthing Kits” and we need your help!

Love A Child mother and baby


This is how you can help make a big difference!

We are putting out a “call-to-action” to all our women’s groups, church groups and even “Stay-at-Home Missionaries.” We need about “100 Birthing Kits” for pregnant mothers each month. Many poor women give birth to infants using a rusty razor blade or a tin can lid on a dirt floor! Ouch! This causes the “fever” that kills many mothers. Please talk with your church and community groups about making 100 of these “Birthing Kits” to send to Haiti each month.


Birthing kit

Please enlist the help of any of your groups, small or large, to put together “Birthing Kits” and send them to us at the address below. These kits should contain:

  • One newborn outfit (a “onesie” and stocking hat)
  • A new blanket
  • Feminine pads and two receiving blankets
  • Small plastic basin and a bar of soap
  • A new razor blade (Single-edged)
  • Two 10” long pieces 1/16” cotton cord
  • Disposable newborn diapers and two cloth diapers
  • Safety pins
  • Absorbent under pads
  • Baby powder and shampoo

Please send “Birthing Kit” items to:

Love A Child, Inc.
12411 Commerce Lakes Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33913-8664

Thank you all for helping the poor in Haiti. Newborn children and their mothers will have a far greater chance of survival because of your donations, prayers, and support.

Birthing kits for pregnant women Haiti

This will make a huge difference in the lives of many poor Haitians families. If your church or group is interested, please send the “Birthing Kit” items to Love A Child, Inc. • 12411 Commerce Lakes Drive • Fort Myers, Florida 33913-8664. Thanks so much.

God bless you,


Posted in Sherry's Journal