We first met Jameson with his mother, when she took a small fishing boat to bring her young son to our clinic. He had “horrible skin problems” due to the dust and living in a mud hut! But his eyes were the worst! He had horrible skin allergies from the dust in his village and...
Today, all our Love A Child children will be in school on our property! (This is a blessing because Haiti is not safe now.) Our children can go to our “Love A Child School” right there on our property. They get up in the morning, clean their rooms, do their chores, eat breakfast, pray, and...
“A Time to Repent.” In the 60’s there was a great evangelist by the name of A.A. Allen. Bobby and I had heard about him and his great tent revivals! He preached one message I never forgot… “He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall be suddenly reproved, and that without remedy.” Proverbs 29:1...
This kid has not stopped talking since he was born! He gets so excited when he says anything... he stutters a little. This “kid,” is now 7 and he is involved in “everything.” His chores are “cleaning his room area,” and picking up trash, etc. Joshua is “very smart,” and does well in school. He...
My mother died some years ago. She was the most devout Christian I have seen… My father was wanting to date my mother when she was in the 12th grade. She wanted nothing to do with him, but one day, he forced her, and she became pregnant with my sister. At that time, she was...
“Peace at Last.” “And faithfulness shall be the girdle of His reins. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed;...
One day, years ago, our Haitian attorney called us about a young boy whose father had treated him very badly! His father had gotten angry with “Lionel,” and held the boy’s hand in boiling water!! Lionel’s fingers were “melted together!” There was no doctor in Haiti who wanted to try to “separate” all the fingers...
The Lord put this thought in my heart several years ago: "The decision we make today will affect our future tomorrow." When the Lord said move to Haiti, we had to make the decision to obey the Lord. Everyone at that time, was getting in boats coming to America by the thousands! Some people have...
You may recall us writing about our bamboo project about three weeks ago. Now, all those 230 new bamboo starts have sprouted and are growing well, as you can see here. We strongly promote planting this clumping bamboo widely around Haiti because of its many benefits to the environment. These clumping varieties are adapted to...
“Open Wide Your Hand.” God’s people are “giving people!” They are not “stingy,” and they are not “cheapskates!” The Lord God gave us this commandment, “If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any gates of thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden...