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Clothing Donation in Poor Villages

Clothing Donation in Poor Villages

Just in! Click here to read our most recent Sherry’s Journal entries to learn about how we are putting your donations to work for the poor in Haiti.

January 29- February 5, 2016

“When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Matthew 25:38

This past week we distributed “new” clothing to several poor villages. We had brand new golf shirts and shorts that were donated by Praise Cathedral of Melbourne, Florida and Pastor Larry Caddell. This donation project was organized by Jesse Ostrander.


Le Tant

The village of Le Tant sits on the shores of Etang Saumâtre, Haiti’s largest salt-water natural lake. It’s not far off the main road, but you get the sense that these are a forgotten people, and the level of poverty and need is beyond staggering.



The village has been part of Love A Child’s Feeding Program for many years. The people are desperately poor, as there are no jobs in the area.


So we were so happy when we received these new clothes for those in need. Even though Le Tant is only ten minutes from our Love A Child compound, the turmoil that is presently taking over Haiti, made the trip to Le Tant a bit more difficult as we had to take the back road into the village.



We had brand new golf shirts and shorts that were donated that we distributed to many poor Haitians. You can see the happy faces on these ladies.



And there was some dancing too!



A very special thank you goes to Praise Cathedral of Melbourne, Florida and Pastor Larry Caddell for the donation of brand new “golf shirts and shorts” for the poor in Haiti. It is rare that they ever get anything “new,” and these poor ladies, from mud huts, appreciated everything with all their hearts!



Thank you Jesse Ostrander for all the work you did to put this all together and for bringing great joy to these Haitians!



We had one older woman fall in love with Bobby!



Fond Parisien

The next day we traveled the back roads to Fond Parisien to avoid the political unrest that is spreading across Haiti.



Look at these faces! It was a simple gift that we gave them, yet in this time of politically motivated riots around Haiti and severe food shortage, it is wonderful to see them smiling. The Haitian women are so grateful for your donations and their smiling faces are our reward.



We gave away clothing to lots of local church ladies and school children in Fond Parisien!



Later in the week we traveled to six other poor villages and brought more donated clothing to the people. We had to be careful navigating to each village so as to avoid any disturbances in the area. Here are some secret locations where we continued to distribute the donated shirts and shorts to many children, in spite of the political tension. We also brought food, as it is too dangerous for the local people to travel within their own region.



Thank you partners for bringing smiles to the Haitians, young and old, during these very trying times. We will continue to do clothing distributions in a few other secret locations over the next week. Please pray for our safe travels and for all the people of Haiti.




This is the clothing and food distribution in the voodoo village of Despeezo. They are really struggling to feed and clothe their families right now.



I must say that these people were so thankful. They allowed us to pray and sing and waited patiently and said, “thank you, Jesus,” for their clothes!



It was good to clothe the naked and show them that God really loves them. We also did an extra food distribution as they are really suffering because of the famine.



Thank you to Praise Cathedral of Melbourne, Florida and Pastor Larry Caddell. We also thank Jesse Ostrander for organizing this donation project. Thank you all for your generous donations and your hard work to make this happen. You have made so many Haitians very happy!

Bless you,


Posted in Sherry's Journal