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Mountainous Landscape

Community Healthcare Outreach

Community Healthcare Outreach

April 24-28, 2014


“Tout sa ou pa konnen pi gran pase ou.”
“All that you do not know is greater than you.”


The Jesus Healing Center is treating thousands of patients in Fond Parisien and beyond. Our community clinic treats an average of 2,000 patients each month.


The tent structure below is our Community Healthcare Outreach facility, where we see an average of about 1,500 patients every month. Our programs include: OB-GYN, Family Planning, Vaccinations, Malnutrition and School Nurses.


Our Community Healthcare Outreach gets very busy each day as the staff works hard to provide necessary care for those coming to the clinic.



The staff holds educational classes in the tent, and we also have a team of agents that venture out to the regions beyond to treat and educate mothers and children.


The purpose of our Community Healthcare Outreach is to save lives. The death rate of babies, children and new mothers in Haiti is very high. When we reach out to the very remote areas of Fond Parisien and high in the mountains, we can see the difference that our outreach is making for these poor families. When the clinic staff heads out to the regions beyond, they know the journey is going to be treacherous and dangerous.



Often times, our six-wheel drive vehicles will need to stop because of the terrain. The staff must then get out and continue on foot up and down slippery mountain paths to reach villagers that have no medical care.



The Minister of Health (MSPP) in Haiti is like the Social Services Department in the United States. It is the responsibility of the MSPP to provide all clinics with supplies for programs such as vaccinations and malnutrition education, as well as the funds to pay salaries for the health agents and medical staff. However, the MSPP has little money and is unable to fund these programs properly. We realize that we cannot depend on the MSPP for funding to continue our Community Healthcare Outreach for thousands of families living in remote areas. The burden to continue these programs is falling on Love A Child and our caring partners. We are in desperate need of financial support to help cover staff salaries, vaccinations, birth control and other medications.


The families that receive care from our Community Healthcare Outreach have no money, very little crops and live in extremely remote areas.


We take the medical care to them in the “regions beyond.” Thanks to our routine trips, children living in remote villages are being vaccinated and given medical care. Families also receive classes about hygiene, nutrition and safe home deliveries. Since we visit on a regular basis, the vaccinations are complete and we are able to track the health status of these children. Here is a healthcare seminar going on in Miracle Village. While Miracle Village is not as remote as most of the areas, we are happy to see healthy families as a result of this program.


Carole makes a “house call” and sees that all of the children are doing well.


We keep accurate records of the villages where these people come from for help. On the chart below, you will notice the people come from the high mountain areas and the information on the right will let you know the types of illnesses coming from each area.

Map of areas & diseases

This is our Community Healthcare Outreach and these poor Haitians depend on us. We are so thankful to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for the monthly operating sponsorship for our Jesus Healing Center, but we do not have a sponsor for our Community Healthcare Outreach.

We need to find a sponsor or several sponsors for our Community Healthcare Outreach as soon as possible. The estimated budget for this program is $5,973 each month. If we cannot find sponsorship for this program, we will be forced to shut down this important outreach and this will affect the poor mountain people. If you, your business, or your church would like to provide this monthly support for our Community Healthcare Outreach, please call our Love A Child office at (239) 210-6107 or send an email to

The program makes a huge difference in the lives of many poor Haitians. We are working hard to keep these programs going. Our specially trained staff members are eager to continue to improve the lives of the families in our program. Hundreds of mothers need this medical care and they are desperate for it.



We need your help to continue our Community Healthcare Outreach here in Haiti. Please pray about what you can do to help us continue to provide medical care to the “regions beyond.”

Thank you for your heart of compassion. May God bless you.



P. S. Special thanks to Roger Hellman who designed this program for us and we thank Carole Stufflebeam, our Medical Administrator, for all she has done for the Jesus Healing Center and our Community Healthcare Outreach program. She will be moving on to another area of ministry with Love A Child in the near future. It takes everyone to the make the load easier.

Posted in Sherry's Journal