February 10-20, 2014
A Creole Proverb…
“Ou we sa ou genyen, ou pa konn sa ou rete.”
“You know what you’ve got, but you don’t know what’s coming.”

Love A Child recently received boxes of baby food from International Aid and brand new clothing from World Vision. Danielle sorted all of these items and bagged them for distribution.
With all of these blessings and food from Feed My Starving Children, we loaded up the truck and headed to the new Le Tant (Kingdom Connection) village.
When we arrived in the new Le Tant (Kingdom Connection) village, the people were already waiting in line.
Some were sitting under the tent waiting for directions.
Fre Sorel organized the distribution. He is a deacon in our Miracle Village Church. He also leads the singing, praise and worship, and gives the Word of God before each distribution. When Fre Sorel and his family lived in the old Le Tant village, his daughter Valencia ate goat feces, charcoal ashes and dirt because she was so hungry. Now, she is healthy, happy and beautiful, and Fre Sorel serves God for what God has done in his life.
Each family receiving food and supplies must have a “Food Card.”
You can see the ladies below holding their food cards.
We prayed before beginning the distribution.
One by one, a family member went through the line.
Danielle was there helping to make sure everyone coming through the line had their card.
Bobby jumped in and helped pass out food and the other supplies.
Each “mommy” left with a box of Feed My Starving Children food and other supplies.
All of the mothers left with a metal tub filled with supplies, a box of Feed My Starving Children food, and a little hope.
Everyone went home with their arms full and a thankful heart.
We thank Feed My Starving Children for the donated food and we thank all of our partners who helped with the transportation costs associated with getting this food to Haiti for the poorest of the poor. Special thanks goes to International Aid for the boxes of donated baby food that we were able to share with these poor mothers. We also thank World Vision for the brand new donated clothes. This was a huge blessing for these poor families living in the new Le Tant (Kingdom Connection) village. We also thank Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his partners for sponsoring the houses that were built in Kingdom Connection.
If you would like to help feed hungry children in Haiti, please call our office at 239-210-6107 today.