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Feeding the Hungry…

Feeding the Hungry…

hdr-3September 11-18, 2013

A Creole Proverb…
“Manje kwit pa gen okenn mèt…”

“Cooked food has no master…”
Once the food is cooked, it belongs to everyone.


These little children from the village of old Le Tant are enjoying a hot nutritious
meal, thanks to our Love A Child partners and Feed My Starving Children.Recently,
we had a food distribution in the village of old Le Tant.


The people formed a long line and waited patiently in
the hot tropical sun for the food trucks to arrive.


Before the distribution began, a lady from the village thanked the Lord for the food.


Soon, the boxes of food were shared…


 Grandmas were there to receive a full box of food.


Children were there to pick up food because their parents were at the market.


Everyone was happy and thankful for this blessing.
The village people call this food…
“ti pa nou” which means “a little for us.”

All of our Love A Child Missionaries work very hard to feed hungry children.


 This wonderful food is donated to Love A Child by Feed My Starving Children.
Love A Child partners help sponsor the transportation of the food to Haiti.
This includes land transportation from Minnesota to Miami, sea transportation
from Miami to Haiti, getting the containers released from Customs, transporting
it to our Food Distribution Center, and then, distributing the food to the poor villages.


This food and our medical clinics are wonderful tools of evangelism.  

 Both food and medical care were instrumental in winning
“witch doctors” like Mr. Norvil to the Lord.


 “The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance…” Romans 2:4
Soon everyone headed back to their huts with “ti pa nou” or “a little for us.”


It did not take long to get a fire going to cook up a large pot of hot food.


That night, the children went to bed with full tummies.


There are many ways for you to help feed hungry children in Haiti and make sure they go to bed with a full tummy.

A gift of $10,000 provides 270,000 meals.
A gift of $5,000 provides 135,000 meals.
A gift of $1,000 provides 27,000 meals
A gift of $500 provides 13,500 meal.
A gift of $120 provides 3,240 meals.
A gift of $50 provides 1,350 meals.
A gift of $24 provides 648 meals.

Please call our office to give a gift to feed hungry children and their families.

Thank you for your heart of compassion.
Love, Sherry


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Posted in Sherry's Journal