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Jesus Healing Center Fourth Quarter Report 2015

Jesus Healing Center Fourth Quarter Report 2015

Our Medical Administrator Barbara MacMannis is doing a great job at the Jesus Healing Center. Recently, she shared an update about the clinic and I wanted to share it with you.

Below is a report from Barbara.


“God’s Word calls us to be “living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God.” – Romans 12: 1


Starving child - severe malnutrition


This is an act of worship the Bible says, and included in being a living sacrifice is to give part of yourself to others through teaching. – “If it is serving; let him serve, if it is in teaching, let him teach.” – Romans 12:7

Community Health instruction is one of the best ways we can serve in the medical field. Not only are we able to treat diseases, but we can also teach others how to improve their health.

Community Health instruction


The Jesus Healing Center conducts several monthly classes for the education of various groups of patients that include: children suffering from malnutrition, prenatal classes for pregnant women, and family planning.

Family planning for Haitian women.


“I cried out unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill.” — Psalm 3:4

We are so thankful that we are able to provide opportunities for teaching medicine in our Fond Parisien community, as well as throughout the country of Haiti. We do a lot of teaching at the Jesus Healing Center.


Every year about 500 young medical doctors graduate from the universities in Haiti. They are ready to perform their one-year of free service at local hospitals and clinics. This year of “gratis” work is made possible through a medical organization like the Jesus Healing Center to give the new graduates practice in the field of medicine and in their specialty area.

Doctors serve one-year of free service at local hospitals and clinics


The Jesus Healing Center is well known in the western part of Haiti, as well as the Port-au-Prince area, for its high quality of service. We can offer this type of service because our focus is on doing our utmost for the glory of God. We can only do this by putting our full focus on our loving and generous God who provides all things through the way He touches the hearts of His people. Through your generous support, young doctors will be able to learn about Internal Medicine, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, and Community Health in an atmosphere of spirit-led service.

Expectant mother with birthing kit


Many times in prayer, we ask for the Lord’s blessing on our lives, but this year at the Jesus Healing Center we are dedicating our service to bless the Lord in all we do. We want the Lord to be blessed, or pleased when He sees our work with the poorest of poor. We work as though we are entertaining angels unaware.

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” – Philippians 1:20

Cholera Rears its Ugly Head

Many health officials are holding their collective breath as the rainy season again brings the threat of Cholera to Haiti. There have been reported cases throughout Haiti, and our area is no different. Combined with the cultural habit of waiting to seek help until the last possible home remedy has been tried, and the swiftness of this acute and deadly disease, many people die within hours, especially children.

The rainy season again brings the threat of Cholera to Haiti


Although the Jesus Healing Center is not set up as a Cholera Treatment Center, we play an integral part in the identification and preliminary treatment of patients; providing much-needed IV fluids during their stay, and before their transfer to the local treatment center.

Jesus Healing Center providing much-needed IV fluids


Emergency Care

While the Jesus Healing Center operates as a non-emergency clinic, it has been our experience that any medical facility in Haiti needs to be prepared for anything to show up outside their gates. For this reason, the Jesus Healing Center has a well-equipped emergency room. We are able to triage, initially treat, and prepare a patient to be transferred to a higher level of care quickly and efficiently.

Injured child in well-equipped emergency room.


For this reason, the Jesus Healing Center has a well-equipped emergency room.

Burn patient at Jesus Healing Center


We are able to triage, initially treat, and prepare a patient to be transferred to a higher level of care quickly and efficiently.

Burn patient transferred to a higher level of care quickly.


The Jesus Healing Center has been responsible for saving countless lives throughout the years. We are serving those whose lives would go unnoticed as we care for the poorest of the poor.

Gran Moun – translated “Older People”

“Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord.” – Leviticus 19:32

Many of our patients walk for hours to get to the Jesus Healing Center for care. The elderly cannot walk as far or as fast as the younger patients and cannot stand for an hour or two as they wait for the clinic gates to open. These elderly patients were finding it difficult to be seen because we can only take the non-emergency patients on a first come, first serve basis. At the suggestion of one of our doctors, we made a gate with a sign, which reads, “Gran Moun Selman,” which means the gate can only be used by the elderly. This special gate has a bench for them to sit on while they wait. Now the elderly in the area have a chance to be seen.

Elderly patients are waiting at Jesus Healing Center


I was talking to an elderly patient one day as he was entering the gate, and he said, “I don’t know what we would do if we didn’t have the clinic here to help us. There is no one who cares for us like you do.” Those words brought tears to my eyes, and I thanked the Lord for His blessings. I thank God every day for the opportunity to serve the people of Haiti in this manner.

Elderly patients wait at Jesus Healing Center.


We thank our Love A Child partners for building the Jesus Healing Center and we thank Joyce Meyer Ministries–Hand of Hope for sponsoring the operating costs of this clinic each month so we can provide FIRST CLASS CARE for the poor!


In His love,

Barbara MacMannis, RN; Medical Administrator
Jesus Healing Center at Love A Child, Inc.
Fond Parisien, Haiti

The Jesus Healing Center reaches out to care for the whole family through consultation, community health and our well-planned referral system for those who need extended care.

Fourth Quarter Numbers at the Jesus Healing Center

Population seen in the clinic……………10,611














HIV…………………..(Tested Positive)……….16

Syphilis……………..(Tested Positive)……….42

TB……………………..(Tested Positive)………..3

Typhoid……………..(Tested Positive)………32





School Nurse Visits…………………………………………………………………………………………168

Family Planning…………………………………………………………………………………………….639

Prenatal Visits…………………………………………………………………………………………… 2,020


Haitian boy sitting on exam table.

Joyce Meyer Ministries–Hand of Hope partnering with

Love A Child and providing medical care for the poor in Haiti.

Posted in Sherry's Journal