A Regional Clinic Providing Quality Healthcare in Haiti
Providing Haiti’s poorest families with access to health care…

The vision and our obedience to serve the poor continues with our new, larger Jesus Healing Center facility.

Taking a step of faith to provide medical care access

When the Lord laid it upon our hearts to build this clinic, the nearest medical facility was over an hour away. At the time, the youngest baby in our orphanage was 9-month-old Baby Sherry (named after Sherry, her namesake).
One day, healthy and happy Baby Sherry was laid down for her morning nap; after a while, she woke up crying and passed away shortly thereafter. Bobby and Sherry were devastated especially because they were not there at the time of Baby Sherry’s death.
From heartbreak, we realized we were being pushed to take a step of faith, and soon enough, plans were underway to build a medical clinic on the Love A Child property in remote, mountainous Fond Parisien.
We outgrew our space…
Out of obedience, we took a step of faith and built a larger one.
Since its establishment in 2009, the Jesus Healing Center’s mission has been to create a healthier community in Fond Parisien, Haiti by providing transformational healthcare for impoverished families.
Our patients come from all parts of Haiti. In fact, the Jesus Healing Center treats over 50,000 people each year. With such a high demand for healthcare services, many people and families start lining up outside of the gates at 4:00am and even earlier. Patients stand outside until 7:00am when the clinic opens for a 10-hour day.
Staffed with many doctors, nurses and staff members, we see as many as 200 patients per day due to the extreme conditions of poverty in rural Haiti, and all services are provided free of charge.
When patients come to the Jesus Healing Center, they receive compassionate medical care while learning about the love of Jesus. As we treat the wounds and afflictions of the body, the soul is being treated by the spiritual healing power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Your faithful support is key to our continued operations!
Will you help us provide greater access to medical care for the poor in Haiti? Whether large or small or the widow’s mite, you can help us meet the needs of the poor and save lives with a gift of any amount.

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Our Jesus Healing Center Clinic
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