March 26-29, 2014
A Creole proverb…
“Wòch nan dlo pa konn doulè wòch nan solèy”
“Stones in water don’t know the pain of stones in the sun”
“Stones in water don’t know the pain of stones in the sun”
Love A Child, Baxter and AmeriCares partnering together to save lives.
Solendine Brise is seven years old, and has already had two near death experiences in her short life. She is with us today because of Baxter Lactated Ringers IVs and Solution Sets. She is happy, healthy and living a normal life.

When Solendine was just three years old, she was severely injured in the most destructive earthquake in Haiti’s history. She was rushed to the Love A Child – Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Field Hospital located at Love A Child Village in the aftermath of the earthquake.

The doctors caring for her used Baxter IV Solution Sets to help save her young life. Six months later, Solendine was running, laughing and playing with other children. She allowed nothing to slow her down!

Nearly two years later she became deathly ill with Cholera. Solendine became unresponsive and was rushed to the Jesus Healing Center with severe dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting.

She arrived cradled in her father’s arms, as limp as a “rag doll.” Her eyes were sunken and had rolled back under her eyelids.

At a time like this, there is only one answer and that is to get the IVs started! Thanks to the generous donations of Baxter IVs and Solution Sets, we took action immediately. Within minutes, little Solendine started to respond and began to look around and move.

She was then able to go to the Cholera Treatment Center for more ongoing care. In the Cholera Treatment Center, the Baxter IVs and Solution Sets are extremely valuable and life saving, just ask Solendine and her family.

Earlier today, we stopped at Solendine’s house to find her helping her mamma with the evening meal. She is a lovely little girl who is once again running, laughing and playing with other children.

All of us at Love A Child along with Solendine’s family thank Baxter for the IVs that were donated to us. We were able to save this life, as well as many others just like her.
“Those who give to the poor will lack nothing.” Proverbs 28:27
May God bless you,