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Mountainous Landscape

Mobile Medical Clinic in Despeezo

Mobile Medical Clinic in Despeezo

July 5-15, 2015


Bondye pa janm bay pitit Li penn san sekou.
God never gives His children pain without help – Haitian Creole Proverb



This week we traveled into the ‘Regions Beyond’ to the village of Despeezo to bring medical care, food and pray for the poor families in this remote area of Haiti. This is a country that is steeped in Voodoo and magic. They want to hold on to Jesus, but they want to hold on to their magic too!



Like all the villages that we visit in the ‘Regions Beyond,’ the roads we travel can be dangerous and uncertain. Oftentimes, the roads are impassable, and our four-wheel drive vehicles cannot make it. We were lucky this time and made the trip without incident.



We were very fortunate to have this Volunteer Medical Team come to Haiti! They conducted three days of clinics right across the street from a witch doctor! We are so thankful for our Mobile Medical Team: Rachael Abrams, Christine Abrams (Rachael’s mother), Virginia Ricky, Dr. Rosenite Rene, Donna Tribble, Jordanie Mertil and Dana Burke.



When we sent our nurses and interpreters in ahead of time, they took over 800 patient forms the first day! Our volunteers set up a Mobile Medical Clinic right under the Voodoo tree in the middle of the village.



You will notice that we had several of our Love A Child orphans helping out the volunteer medical staff set up the tents for the Mobile Medical Clinic. It was a lot of work to get prepared for this week and we needed many helping hands throughout the clinic.


This was a great opportunity for our older children from Love A Child Orphanage to join our volunteers and staff to work in all aspects of a Mobile Medical Clinic. We want to say a special thank you to all of them for their hard work and support of the Mobile Medical Team. (Yonel, Klepson, Julanne, Micheline, Carlos, Georges and Dieuferly (pictured below) who was found as a small child at one of our Mobile Medical Clinics in Covant. He had bilateral clubfoot and severe malnutrition. He was brought to Love A Child Orphanage where he received loving care and endured several surgeries to correct his feet.)


Many Haitians walked or came by donkey for several hours and arrived here to receive medical attention, some nutritious food and some came to be saved by Jesus!



It took three days to see over 1,100 Haitians that came to our Mobile Medical Clinic. We are so thankful to our Volunteer Medical Team and to our partners that helped provide food for these mountain people as they gathered under the Voodoo tree and waited patiently to seek medical help.



Despeezo is a Voodoo village that is becoming a Christian village, thanks to our Feeding Programs and Mobile Medical Clinics. We have been giving out food and conducting Mobile Medical Clinics here for a couple of years, but now it is time to reap the rewards!




Barbara MacMannis who is our Jesus Healing Center Medical Administrator, helped lead the team of medical volunteers with medical exams, treatment and paper work.



We handed out Family Packs to all the mothers with children that came to our clinic.


 This cute little girl and her family received a Family Pack and a hot meal.



The people in Despeezo are desperate for medical help, as there is no medical help available to them in this whole region.



It is so difficult for many Haitians to visit a doctor as they often have to walk for many, many hours to the nearest health facility, and more often than not, they do not have the money to take their children to see a doctor for what is often considered a minor common childhood ailment, but in Haiti could mean death. Our Family Medicine Packs will at least give them some of the common treatments for childhood illnesses at home.




 We treated over a thousand people, gave out eyeglasses, provided wound care, fed them, and also ministered to them!




By bringing Mobile Medical Clinics to the mountainous regions of Haiti, where medical care is not available, we are seeing a big improvement in the health of many of the children, like these two cuties!



Feeding the poor Haitians is a big part of our Mobile Medical Clinics, as you can’t win them to the Lord if their stomachs are painfully empty and malnutrition has weakened their children to near death.



During the clinic, we healed the sick, fed the hungry, and prayed for the families as they left. We did all this “right in the middle of the devil’s territory!” Let’s hope for more souls to come to Jesus!


Thank you to our many sponsors, for all that you do to help bring food into Haiti and support our Mobile Medical Clinics, this is the image of your success.


We thank World Vision for the donation of baseball caps. The kids loved them!

In three days, our Volunteer Medical Team treated 1,165 people, gave out 5,605 medications, fitted 179 people for glasses, cared and bathed 111 (mostly children) in wound care, prayed for everyone and as a result, had 38 conversions!


Our thanks to our wonderful Volunteer Medical Team and to our partners who sponsored this Mobile Medical Clinic! Also, we thank John Beasley, Louis from the Dominican Republic and Mark and Evie Ostrander for helping out with this Mobile Medical Clinic.


You can help support our Mobile Medical Clinic by sponsoring a clinic for a whole village for $1,000. You can also help supply Family Packs for our Mobile Medical Clinics. For a gift of $20, you can purchase a Family Pack that is like a mobile medicine chest for people to take home so that they can have access to medicine that they could never afford. Please call our office at 239-210-6107 to help.

Sherry with baby in Medical Clinic

Love is something you do! Thank you all for helping share the love of Christ through our Mobile Medical Clinic.



Posted in Sherry's Journal