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Mobile Medical Clinic in the Land of Bon Bon Té (Sapaterre)

Mobile Medical Clinic in the Land of Bon Bon Té (Sapaterre)

November 17, 2016

“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.”

— Luke 10:33-34

Mud cookies for sale


In this remote village called Sapaterre, the people have created an industry and they are the primary manufacturers of Bon Bon Té, also known as mud cookies. The children must get up very early in the morning to toil all day working for their families in the production of Té. There is no time for school. We hope all that will change, little by little…

Children making mud cookies in Haiti.


We first visited this village about a year-and-a-half ago and were astonished at what they did, and what most of the children ate every day. In a land that is so poor, they have found good clay-pits in the plateau area where they live, and have created this appalling substitute for food, which they not only sell in the markets, but it is what their own children eat. We were determined to help this village, so we started by bringing boxes of food to them from Feed My Starving Children.

Bobby standing next to mud cookies and Feed My Starving Children


Not long after, we included the village of Sapaterre in our Feeding Program, and started visiting them each month. We now distribute food for 140 families here. We then held a crusade here in March of this year. We brought food and the Lord to Sapaterre and so many Haitians came to the Lord then. We had a wonderful day giving out food, new clothes and Bibles to the new converts from our crusade! The Bibles we gave out were the first Bibles they have ever owned in their lives! Our next step was to build a new church and school for the people of Sapaterre. In June, we bought the land, and as soon as the final papers were signed, we started building! Thank you to David George and his partners!

Crusade in Sapaterre, Bobby and David George


God worked a miracle and supplied the funds for us to build a church here, which will later become a school. We want to praise the Lord for the funds that came in to help build a church right here in Sapaterre!

New church in Sapaterre, Haiti


This is a very poor village where people have no jobs. Their only income is from making dirt and mud cookies and selling them to hungry people all over Haiti. But now, the gospel has shone into this village and we have “built a church!” What began as a “food distribution and a crusade,” has now turned into a church! It was not easy gaining the confidence of these people, but it all started with the “first box of food.” Special thanks to our partner David George, and “his partners,” who gave, but wish to remain anonymous!

Handing out food and gifts to the people of Sapaterre


We had promised the people that we would bring a Mobile Medical Clinic at the end of September. We had to cancel because of Hurricane Matthew. Now a month later, we have returned to Sapaterre to hold a Mobile Medical Clinic. Almost all of the Haitians that live and work here have never seen a doctor or received any kind of health care in their entire lives.

Haitian families waiting to see a doctor.


We had a great first day at our Mobile Medical Clinic in Sapaterre. The patients waited inside our new Love A Child Church that was sponsored by the Click Foundation. Tents were set up outside for the doctors, pharmacy, wound care, eyeglass department, and our ministry. We saw over 500 patients the first day! Thank you partners!

Haitian families waiting in new church to seek medical care


Sometimes, it may be difficult to win someone to the Lord. That person who gives us grief, talks badly, uses bad language or is hateful, is the “perfect candidate” for God’s love. When we first came to Sapaterre, we would have lost their confidence if we had gone in being judgmental. But, we went in with food and love. The results… A crowd of people hungry for the Lord, and accepting Him!

David George assisting elderly Haitin with new glasses



On the second day of our Mobile Medical Clinic we saw 632 patients! We gave out 3,015 medications, and over 200 pairs of eyeglasses. Thank you David George for being our eye doctor in Haiti.

David George holding you Haitian girl while helping with glasses


We treated 50 patients in wound care and we had 33 decisions for Christ! It was the hottest day I have ever spent in a Mobile Medical Clinic, but it was worth it.

Mobile Medical Clinic in Sapaterre, Haiti


We have finished seeing patients at our Mobile Medical Clinic in Sapaterre and what a week it has been for our Mobile Medical Team and the people of this village. We saw over 1,100 patients in the two days that we were there. It was so important to “keep our word” to the people, especially in a foreign country like Haiti. We have worked so hard building the confidence in the hearts of these people who make “mud cookies” for children to eat. We look forward to dedicating our new Love A Child Church in this area soon!

Doctor and patient pray together


What a great group of volunteers working in our Mobile Medical Team. Everyone did a wonderful job, especially in the heat. Thank you to all our sponsors who made it possible for us to not only bring food and the love of Christ to these people, but also an opportunity to offer medical care to the people in Sapaterre.

Love A Child's mobile medical volunteers
We want to thank our partners and all of you who have helped in our Mobile Medical Clinics. You are saving lives each day! If you would like to make a contribution to support more Mobile Medical Clinics in the “regions beyond,” please donate now. You will make such a difference in the lives of these poor people.

If you would like to speak directly to one of our staff members, please call: 239-210-6107 or email us at: [email protected].

Donate Now - Make A Difference in Haiti

God bless you,


Posted in Sherry's Journal