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Thank you!

PTL! We have met our goal and commitment of building 100 Gabion houses for our friends in South Haiti since the earthquake.

Very soon, everyone who has given money towards this project will be receiving pictures. Some houses only had one person in the family, and other houses had up to 23 family members. Believe me; if there’s one family member, there will be more!

Each house has two or three bedrooms, a living room, a front porch, etc. The cost of each home was $9,000. It was a miracle to stay on budget, with building materials skyrocketing and fuel problems. “Opedal Construction” did a great job; they hired local people to help build the houses, giving many in the communities a job. Thank you, Hubert, for supervising, hauling materials and sand, plus so much more.

Thank you, partners, because, in the same area, we bought a little over 2,000 camping tents for families to have a place over their heads. And, since then up till now, we have purchased tons of food to give to the families in South Haiti.

Thank you to everyone who prayed, gave, and helped with the project. We did it together! Lives were changed and blessed!

Love is something you do…

Bobby Burnette

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