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$100,000 Matching Challenge… Please Pray

$100,000 Matching Challenge… Please Pray

Deadline April 17th

Please pray! As you know, a person has pledged a $100,000 Matching Challenge Gift! This means that God will “double your gift,” and in turn, “double your gift to bless the poor.” We are really in need of this gift here in Haiti to help the children, to help with urgency in our food programs, and other projects. We are praying!

So far, we have received $17,648.00…
Please note: When you give your challenge gift, it must say, “Matching Challenge Gift,” and must be in our office by Easter, April 17th!

Please give by phone at 239-210-6107 or by credit card.

Remember, it must say: “Matching Challenge Gift”
Online: (select “Make a Donation” – “Matching Gift Challenge”)
Or you may give by mail:
Love A Child, Inc.
P.O. Box 60063
Ft. Myers, Florida 33906-6063

We haven’t had time to mail a letter to our friends to help by mail. We do not have time to put the “Matching Challenge” on TV. We can only get in touch by Facebook and website. Haiti and our work together are really in a crisis because of the roaming gangs, kidnappings, political, and economic problems here. The poor cannot afford to buy simple rice and beans here. Prices have skyrocketed! Many missionaries and people have left Haiti, but we are staying where the Lord has put us!

I know the money we have received, $17,648.00, seems far from the “Matching Challenge” of $100,000… Yet, by faith, we are so close to the full amount! Please pray, give, and help. Thank you in advance.

We love you!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette
Founders of Love A Child

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