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17 Missionaries Update

17 Missionaries Update

With sad hearts, the 17 missionaries have not been released yet. The powerful Mawozo gang (Papaya gang) are wanting $1,000,000 per person to release them. We are praying night and day for the missionaries.
There are many gangs in Haiti. From their perspective they control Haiti. Out our way where we live, we have been under awful stress from the Papaya gang; they are the same as the Mawozo. The Mawozo gang has been out here in our area for two years or more now. They are the ones who stole our nice Jesus Healing Center van and kidnapped our driver about two years ago. Several of our workers have been robbed and beaten by them.

One time when the gang thought we sent the police in to shoot them, they put on their Facebook to kill any Love A Child person that they stop. They stated they would kill Sherry and me. Thankfully, this was about a year and a half ago. I just wanted you to know the stress and responsibility we have. I’m not worrying about Sherry or myself… it’s all the 245 employees we have working on this property and all of our Haitian children. We are concerned for the workers and our college students who travel back and forth. We are concerned about our drivers who must travel into Port-Au-Prince to buy parts. We are concerned for Mr. Bellevue and all the Gwo Mache Mirak (Miracle Market) workers next door. (This is the market we built for the community.)
Yesterday, CNN asked if they could come out here to interview Sherry and me. Today they contacted me and said, “the roads are too dangerous.” Their security would not allow them to come. Haiti has no Army and the Police are no match for the gangs. Please, I pray on the behalf of all the Haitian people and all missionaries, please send troops in to save lives, and save Haiti.

We are in a dire situation…
We are trusting in the Lord…
Please pray…

Bobby and Sherry Burnette
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