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A Bountiful Eye

A Bountiful Eye

“He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” Prov. 22:9

We wonder why some people can see the poor, and never want to give. It’s almost impossible. When Bobby and I first moved to Haiti, it was a safe country, so you could walk down the streets of Port-au-Prince at night, and never be robbed, stabbed, kidnapped, or killed. (But of course, it’s different now.) We would often walk down by the Marketplace of Port-au-Prince late at night… with no problems. One night when Bobby walked down, it was raining hard. There was a little Haitian girl in the rain with her arm held out straight and a few “gourdes” (pennies) were in her hand. She had been there all day, trying to get enough money to take home so her mother could buy milk. The more it rained, the more she cried. Bobby went over and opened her little hand and put some money in it and she smiled and said, “Merci anvil.” (Thank you very much.)

Sometimes, it is just the “act of obedience” that makes a big difference in someone’s life, and God does not use Angels… He uses you! If you want the “blessings of God” to come upon your life, “find the poorest person” you can and bless them! It cannot be someone that can “bless you back,” but let it be someone that is so poor… they cannot give you anything back. That’s when “your Father in Heaven” smiles and says, “That’s my child!” A “bountiful eye” is always looking around to see “who can I bless?” So, have a great day, every day!


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