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A Cargo of “Gold!”

A Cargo of “Gold!”

This is a story of God’s Divine Wisdom in the midst of a catastrophe!

For hungry people, food is like gold in Haiti!

The boat on which we rented to carry 6,000 bags of rice, several hundred “5-gallon cans of cooking oil” and hundreds of cans of condensed milk for the children left the Port-au-Prince dock at 6:00 pm on Monday evening.

The Rice Company told me it would take around 15 hours for it to arrive at the Port of Jeremie. There, we would meet with a devout Christian woman, Madamn Yvrose, the Mayor of Jeremie!

“Food Pirates”

The company that sold us all the food also told us that they had put two security guards on the boat with “big guns.” I had asked the owner, “why would you do this since you are out in the ocean?” He said, “this is where the gangs and others will attack the boat on the sea to steal the food.”

“When the Roads are Gone”

There were no roads [from us] to Jeremie (one of the areas where the earthquake hit), so Sherry and I rented a small plane to fly us to Jeremie on Monday morning, while “the boat” was still en route. For a while, the boat came up “missing,” but as we were flying into Jeremie in the small plane, the owner of the boat said, “we just docked at the port.” And when we looked out the window of the plane we saw it! That was a big relief!!

“Hunger Makes the Dog Climb the Coconut Tree ” (a Creole Proverb)

But we found out that when two other boats had come in with food, about 2,000 hungry people rushed in and took all their food, which was for other areas! But the wisdom of the Lord had spoken to Mayor Yvrose, whom we worked through, and she hired a minimum of 30 security people with guns! Sure enough, when our boat came up, the hungry people broke the whole port gate down to rush through to take all our food! But they met “an army of security” which stopped them! We are just so thankful because they would have taken all our food in a matter of minutes.

You must realize that these people are hungry and they have children who are hungry! There is a Creole Proverb that says, “Hunger makes the dog climb the coconut tree.” It means, “hungry people will do anything to get food!”

“Protecting the Food for the Worst Areas”

It took almost three days to unload our food! Mayor Yvrose had hired huge trucks and more security and also hired about 100 more people to help unload the boat… This gave all those people a job, which made them happy!!! It was a big undertaking because the mass of people was not going to let our trucks out of the port (because they wanted the food themselves), and we can’t blame them. This food was targeted to go the worst and forgotten, hard-to-reach areas.

“Heart-Wrenching and Emotional”

Then, we had to go with Mayor Yrose to unload the food to the area where it would be kept until the distribution… In between all this time, Mayor Yvrose was giving away food to the locals and trying to have peace. We found out that no matter how much food she gave away to locals, they were replaced by more hungry people, un-ending. We had a big wall where our depot was, and the people were yelling and screaming at us day and night for food, and this is where Sherry and I stayed!!!  It was heart-wrenching and emotional... We do not have the words to say how this affected us.

“God’s Protection”

In three nights, Mayor Yvrose slept on a little piece of cardboard on the ground beside the food. While we were there with the mayor we distributed food to 250 Pastors from rural areas, to take the food to these people in these areas. I’m just telling you this because “distributing food to hungry people after an earthquake is not easy at all!” We just had one friend who had 1,000 bags of rice and was on the road, and they stopped him and took everything!! It takes God’s protection to deliver food to hungry people. Our hearts have been ripped out. As we were going out yesterday, we looked at children in their eyes, we saw no hope because these kids have no home and no help… As were all the people under the tarps.

“God Sent a Helicopter”

Meanwhile, while we were in Jeremie, Jesse Ostrander and his small team went on to the Nippes area, Anse a Veau, Les Cayes to distribute food. They had their hearts broken as they traveled into the worst areas. In one of these areas, people were living in a cave. As Jesse entered, he could smell “rotten flesh.” There were people in this cave area, who had broken, twisted arms and legs, and severe infections. He came out to try to find a truck, anything he could to take these people to a hospital. By a miracle, Jesse found a Marine Helicopter!

But sadly enough, only one lady offered to go… the rest stayed. They were so afraid that they would have an arm or leg amputated, so they decided to stay with the local “leaf doctor.” Jesse left that day with a heavy heart and tears in his eyes.

It will still take Mayor Yvrose and the team two to three more weeks to distribute the food. We want to thank everyone who sacrificed to give food to the victims.

Their other main need is “family tents.” If you want to donate one tent, one of our partners will donate two. You can find these tents on Amazon, and have them sent to our Love A Child Office:

Love A Child
12411 Commerce Lakes Dr
Ft Myers, Fl 33913
PH: 239-210-6107

Link to our Amazon Wish List:

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Thank you so much, Bobby and Sherry

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