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A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

This is Pastor Joseph. He began working for us as an evangelist years ago. We also sent him to many “impenetrable” villages, where the people allow no one in!! One of these difficult villages was the village of “Sapaterre,” which means “that’s not dirt” or “that’s not earth.” This was one of those villages where they make thousands of mud cookies from “special mud,” deep underground. Everyone in the village was making mud cookies to sell to people who were worse off, and to children who needed “something to take the hunger away.”

Pastor Joseph and Peter made friends with the village people who welcomed us. We began to bring them food, the “Feed My Starving Children” food. After that, we began to sponsor mothers to have a business to help feed their children. We then had a crusade there. Many gave their hearts to the Lord, and soon, we started believing in God to give the funds for a church! Donnie and Debbie of the Click Family Foundation sponsored the building of the Love A Child Church there!! It grew and grew! Pastor Joseph came to us about two months ago and needed a good PA system and musical instruments for the church! Well, the Lord provided! We wish to thank you again, Donnie and Debbie of the Click Family Foundation, who heard about this outreach and wanted to sponsor it! We just got the container in yesterday with all the things that Joseph needed!! This was his best Christmas gift!! The church will be preaching the Gospel “full blast” and driving those Voodoo spirits crazy!! Ha!

And just think… this miracle started with “one box of food,” and then another and another, going to the mud cookie village!! That’s our Christmas story for today!! God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

Bobby and Sherry

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