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A Good Samaritan

From a country of deep despair comes this heartwarming story of Christian compassion. Yesterday, Bobby and Sherry received this story from Watson, their videographer, of what Hubert, our guy who is helping to distribute aid in south Haiti, came upon in the “forgotten” remote interior of south Haiti.

“Today remains a special day according to Hubert. Before he went to the Gabion House Construction, he decided to go visit some families who are in great need, to give them some bags of rice, beans, and oil. After hours of driving, he saw a small house that he thought surely must be abandoned. But, with great surprise, he found an old lady aged 90, alone in the small wooden house. The lady explained that her daughter is stuck in Port au Prince because of the gangs, and for a few months she has had to live alone without anyone to help her or give her food. Hubert gave her the large food bags and in addition, he cooked for the old lady who can’t even walk, and who has only eaten some sugar cane when she can drag herself to the garden next door. Hubert is considered like a hero today for this Old Lady.”

God used Hubert as the Good Samaritan. How will God use you today?

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