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A High Hand

A High Hand

We had posted a scripture about this a short time ago, but it’s time to re-visit this because we are living in times of “battle.” Satan has loosened evil spirits that are coming into our homes, our schools, our country… as never before.

We must remember that the children of Israel (as was prophesied), would be in bondage for 400 years, and they were, even a little more than that. They had been accustomed to slavery, accustomed to bondage, and thought this would be their life. But, after the Lord delivered them, and when they left Egypt with silver and gold and raiment, the Bible says, “the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.” Exodus 12:51

These slaves had never fought a battle and yet, when they came out, they were changed! The Bible says, “and the children of Israel went out with a high hand!” They were armed and ready to fight!

We are living in a time of “spiritual warfare.” We must be ready to fight for our children, our country and we must be able to “put our foot on the head of our enemies,” whatever enemy that is! “Jehovah Nisi” goes before us! Remember “who’s on our side!”


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