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“A Merry Heart Doeth Good, Like a Medicine!”

“A Merry Heart Doeth Good, Like a Medicine!”

These little sweeties are from Love A Child Schools in Miracle Village and Old Letant. The children took a break from their rough life to enjoy a stuffed animal! They laughed and giggled!!!

They will go home, some to small simple houses, built after the 2010 earthquake and some will go home to mud huts. Wherever they live, their lives are not “simple,” but complex.

They will receive one hot meal a day at our Love A Child Schools, for which their parents are thankful, and those hot meals are sponsored by Love A Child partners, like you. Many schools do not offer food, and this makes learning “very difficult.”

These children will never see a Christmas or a Birthday party. This one single gift of a “plush,” soft, stuffed, happy toy has made their day! The Bible says, “a merry heart doth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Prov. 17:22

We wish again, to say “thank you” to World Vision, for the pallets of these big, beautiful stuffed animals! We will be sending the rest of them to our mountain schools! And thank you to all our partners, who provide hot meals each day by sponsoring food to come to us here in Haiti! Another Creole Proverb says, “with a lot of hands, the load is not heavy…” So, thank you for putting “your hands with our hands!”

Bobby and Sherry

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