Our sweet missionary Kaeli Fletcher oversees our Love A Child Children’s Home. We are so proud of her and the love she shows all the children. Here is a message from Kaeli:
“Running a children’s home is one of the greatest joys I have ever had. These kids have filled a place in my heart that I never knew was empty until I came here. Each and every day these kids never fail to amaze me. This picture was taken before daylight at 4:00 am. Every morning the kids wake up extra early to “be sure” they know their lessons before going to school. They gather around and quiz each other until breakfast, which is at 7:00 am. The time and dedication they put into their schoolwork is never overlooked. Just the other day the kids brought me all of their report cards with every single child passing at the top of their class! With time, dedication and that extra amount of love each child has the ability to excel! I could not be more proud of these kids who have completely stolen every inch of my heart. We thank our special partners, without you this would simply be impossible!” Blessings, Kaeli Fletcher

A message from Kaeli – 04-09-18
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