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A Miracle Today!

A Miracle Today!

Today was a day of miracles for Djonsly Alcin. Many of you have been following his story, from the time he was brought to our clinic in Haiti by his mother, to now. Djonsly came to us with a cancer, pushing his right eye out of its socket. We sent him to the States twice before for surgeries for cancer, but it has grown worse. It took a year of “red tape,” filling out forms, and the help of an attorney and Senator Rubio’s office to finally get Djonsly his Visa to travel back to the hospital for one more life-saving cancer operation.

We had to travel through the Dominican Republic to get him to the airport there due to gangs in Haiti. This morning, we left our motel at 6:00 a.m. for the airport in Santo Domingo. When we got to the ticket counter, they told us that since he and his mother were not U.S. citizens but flying into the U.S., that both would have to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with paper proof. (We all had negative COVID-19 tests within the last 24 hours.) We just did not realize this…

Bobby explained that this was life-threatening and that he would die if he did not go, but they would not budge. The airline said, “It’s the American law.” After about 30 minutes of talking nicely and pleading with the supervisor and three others all saying “no” several times, and then the supervisor saying “no” again. The supervisor finally said that we would need to get a letter from the CDC or a letter from the doctor in the United States stating that “Djonsly was too sick to receive his vaccines.” I closed my eyes at the ticket counter, being crushed. I thought, “Lord, we have done everything possible. Now, you must do the impossible.” When I looked up, I could feel the very presence of the Lord move among us. I saw their faces change and all of a sudden, the supervisor said these words… “This is a humanitarian mission! He can go!” With tears in our eyes, we signed some papers, and we took Djonsly and his mother to the plane and were off to Miami where the hospital had an apartment waiting for him and his mother.

With a grateful heart we want to thank Calvin (who encouraged us so much), along with Tammy, our attorney, the U.S. Embassy, Senator Rubio’s office, and all our friends who prayed. Most of all, we want to thank the Lord for this great miracle!!! We love all of you!

Bobby and Sherry 


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