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A Mother’s Day Story I Have Never Shared

A Mother’s Day Story I Have Never Shared

Today is a very special day, and a day to honor my mother, who dedicated me to the Lord. When I was five months old I had a very serious complication that at that time, only happened to adults. My mother was not a Christian and my father was a rough, mean man. When the doctor examined me, he said, “I would need to perform an operation that has only been on adults. I don’t know if the baby will live.”

My mother got on her knees and told the Lord, “If you will save my child, I will serve you all the days of my life, and I will dedicate this child to the Lord.” She did, even staying with my father, with five children to raise. She “lived the life,” and my father accepted the Lord right before he died, in his 80’s. That’s how I got here… My mother stood for the Lord, in spite of being married to an alcoholic and in spite of the many times she had to “pray for God to send food on the table.”

Now, I am married to the best man God could give me, and we have been blessed to raise two children and have three grandchildren. But, in addition, we have been raising a whole family of Haitian children (85), for years. And, God has done “great things in the country of Haiti,” as we have been led by Him. God has spared our lives many, many times in Haiti. When we look at a child and dedicate this child to the Lord, there is no telling what he or she will do for the Lord. Thank you for “listening to my story.” Bobby and I love you, “very much!”


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