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A Note from Second Chance Orphanage

A Note from Second Chance Orphanage

These precious children are just some of the ones who are receiving food each day from one of our missionary partners, “Second Chance.” They are just one of 100 organizations that come each month for food. As Second Chance says below, these children are some of the “high risk” children.

We share with orphanages and outreaches that feed Haiti’s children. Many are orphanages, and some are “handicapped orphanages,” and other outreaches, (just as restavek slave children).

Everything, every miracle, begins with “just one box of food.” Pray about helping today, with your “loaves and fishes,” or whatever God lays upon your heart. There is nothing more wonderful than the “joy of giving.”

Here is a note from Second Chance…


Thank you so much for your continued support. The food is helping to feed a very high-risk population. Many of the children that are benefiting from the food are only able to receive one meal a day. Thank you for blessing them and being the hands and feet.

God bless you, friends and partners, for everything you have done to help feed these precious children and many more!



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