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A Stitch in Time…

You may already know Jean Edwouard’s story of how he came to us. We were doing a food distribution in the village of Old Letant. I noticed a little boy, carrying water, gathering sticks, and making a fire to cook food. He was only six years old. He was a “restavek slave child.”  His name was Jean Edwouard. I asked his aunt if I could take him home and she said yes! It wasn’t until later I found out how horrible his life had been…

Today, he’s 19 years old and in 11th grade. (He had not yet been to school when I got him.)

He is one of our painters, but also loves sewing and wants to be a tailor. Since school is starting in a week, I realized that all of the kids have been growing for the last three months and their school uniforms would be too small! Jean Edwouard measured each one, and then went to the next town and bought zippers, buttons, etc. and began to lengthen, “let out,” and fix all of our uniforms! He is amazing! I think back to that sweet little boy I saw in the mud hut village and thank God for sending him to us! We love Jean Edwouard!!


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