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A Sure and Bountiful Harvest

A Sure and Bountiful Harvest

As it is said, “you will reap what you sow,” and look at this morning’s bountiful harvest for the kitchens at the Children’s Home from the gardens at Love A Child village and the Agricultural Training Center (ATC).

Look at these happy gardeners who are so proud of their results, reaping many eggplants, green peppers, leeks, parsley, papayas, and limes. Our agricultural staff, under the direction of Agrinome Wilner Exil, use sustainable gardening methods to have big, healthy harvests from their gardens. These are the same sustainable gardening methods we teach in our Sustainable Agriculture in Haiti training classes at the ATC.

Since Biblical times, the simple, sustainable methods of Farming God’s Way yields reliable harvests of healthy, nutritious food that every Haitian family can attain. We are ready and eager to hold more training classes as soon as the safety and security conditions allow students to come back to our ATC. If you have students you want to register for our training, please email [email protected], or to help sponsor students for this life-changing training, please mark your donations to “ATC scholarship.”

Thank you for helping us be able to help Haitians be better equipped to help themselves, producing “food for life.” Below are some additional photos.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director


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