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“A time to sow, and a time to harvest…” – Ecclesiastes 3:2

This is the time of year all of us gardeners enjoy so much… the time to harvest.  Wilner and the Agricultural Training Center (ATC) staff are having big harvests about every other day now.  Here are pictures of a recent harvest from the large Verger garden that supplies the Children’s Home as well as the other kitchens at Love A Child Village. Just as the Bible says, “we will reap what we sow,” our staff of sustainable gardeners know they will have a great harvest from the seeds they have sown into their prepared ground. We thank Dave Balsbaugh of Hope Seeds International for supplying the appropriate seeds throughout Haiti, and we also thank Joe Perkins and Ron Lusk of Sustainable Food Production for getting us started with the indispensable shade houses they erected at the Agricultural Training Center and also at Love A Child Village. Thousands of Haitians are benefiting from these sustainable gifts toward development for sustainability.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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