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A Warm Story From Backaye, Haiti

Hubert, our Love A Child representative, and his team brought food to 200 families in an extremely remote area by the name of Backaye, in the south of Haiti yesterday.

It was a very difficult area to travel to. The food trucks had to cross two rivers, four times, in order to reach the people. Many of these people have been lacking food and were very, very thankful!

The children were so happy because they knew their stomachs would be full. Thank you so much to all of our friends who have sent money, so that I could purchase the beans, rice, and cooking oil. Hubert had to purchase this food from the port in south Haiti because the roads are not safe to get out. Jesus said in Matthew 25:35 “I was hungry and ye gave me food.” Love is something you do. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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