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A Young Man Named “Nelio”

A Young Man Named “Nelio”

When Bobby and I first moved to Haiti we had a Trooper. We loved that machine! It could almost “climb a coconut tree!” But as the years went on, it, like other vehicles, had struggles coping with the rough road conditions of Haiti.

Our interpreter back then had a cousin named “Nelio.” And, “he could fix anything!” We were not able to pay Nelio much, but he stuck with us, driving us over tough terrain and spending much of his time “on his back – under the truck” fixing everything.

We began to notice that he was humble, kind, and honest, so slowly we moved him up in our organization. He was the one who had to “learn the ropes” of working with the government to get our containers in and out of Haiti, and all the “legal stuff” and “legal paperwork” that had to be done constantly. He had great “favor!”

The one thing we taught Nelio was this, “when you die, you can only take your name and reputation with you.” We taught Nelio, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Prov. 22:1

Today, Nelio is second in command under Bobby and me. Everyone in all of the departments of Haiti where we work knows that “Nelio’s word” is good as gold. He is kind, honest, respectful, and loved by everyone who knows him. It was “Nelio” who had to negotiate with the kidnappers who took our container driver and three others.

For two days he did the negotiating while they were all screaming threats and using the worst language and fear tactics imaginable, to get our driver and three others home safely.

Yes, God does not look on the outside when He chooses; He looks on the heart that grants “loving favor!” We all need that!!!


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