This young lady is named Jessica Loseau, but everyone calls her Ada. Her parents, Ana Jean and Fane Loseau, were desperately trying to find work so they could take care of their children. The sad story is that both parents died on a rickety boat heading to the United States, as they were promised work once they arrived. Ada’s aunt was raising her and her siblings, Bianca and Raphael, but she could no longer care for them. There was never enough food for the three children and all of them were becoming severely malnourished. We heard about this family’s story and went to Port-au-Prince to pick up all the children. They now live at our Love A Child Orphanage with all of their brothers and sisters. Ada is doing great! She loves going to school, learning and playing with her huge family! Thank you partners for changing another life in Haiti. May God bless you. Bobby and Sherry
Ada – 9-1-2015
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