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Agricultural Training Center Work Week:

This note below came in from Wilner Excil, the head of our Agriculture Training Center (ATC) Program. God blesses the seed we sow. It may take time, but the Lord will give an abundance. Good job Wilner and team. God bless the work of your hands. Thank you to our partners who helped with this sustainability project.
Bobby (Big Boss)

“Dear, Big Boss! I hope God always keeps us healthy. These pictures are some of the great work we have achieved this week.
1st) We have been harvesting vegetables all week for the kitchens, especially the Children’s Home kitchen.
2nd) We also watered the plants every morning.
3rd) We sprayed all the flowers to prevent insects from eating their flowers.
4th) We worked in soil preparation and compost in the ATC demonstration field.
5th) We planted sweet potatoes.
6th) We worked inside the plant house, changing the old pallets that were finished.
7th) We cut the grass (lawn) in front of the maternity ward (Birthing Center).
8th) We gave the goats food and water 2 times a day, and every day.
9th) We cleaned the animal’s houses (goats and chickens) every day.
These are all the tasks that the ATC team has achieved this week. Thank you for all your continued encouragement and support to the ATC team. We are truly grateful. May God Bless you. We love you.


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