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Love A Child


We left yesterday to fly into Haiti, changing planes twice. We arrived in Port-au-Prince today at 12:35 p.m. We waited for a while in our vehicle at the airport to meet a special “armored tank” which has a 50-caliber machine gun on top. We were supposed to meet the tank and sit inside the tank to go to our place out here in Fond Parisien. Something happened! The tank had to do a quick run, to break up some major problems on the road.

We were riding along in our vehicle thinking we will see the armored tank any minute. We were in Croix des Bouquets and all of a sudden some of the “Papaya Gang” jumped out from behind a building with very big guns! Then more “Papaya” kept coming with big guns. The Papaya Gang took our driver… he was trying to tell the gang to call the head of the Papaya Gang. He knows us and won’t let them touch us. They kidnapped him!

We had a policeman in the right front seat. I could not believe he didn’t have his door locked! They were trying to take him! I told him to jump in the driver’s seat and “let’s go now!!”

We left our driver with the Papaya Gang. We had to. As we were taking off, the Papaya shot us twice with big guns at the back of our vehicle. PTL! Our vehicle was “armored and bulletproofed” about 9 months ago. Our bulletproofed cruiser saved our lives today. Sherry and I are thankful to our Board of Directors who donated the money to have our vehicle armored and bulletproofed. Thank you…

PTL!!!! Our driver just knocked on our door! He is ok, the Papaya Gang let him go once they knew he was with Love A Child.

Thank you for your prayers for safety. We made it home here at Love A Child in one piece. We love you…

Bobby and Sherry

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