His father got angry at him, held his hand in boiling water, threw him out on the street, and left him… to die.
It was about ten years ago we got a call that someone was sending us a little boy who was found in the streets of Haiti with a severely burned hand. We brought him here to Love A Child and then sent him to a hospital.
However, the hospital that took care of him did not give him the best of care. His fingers began to fuse together. We made a trip through the “gang-infested” Martissaint area here in Haiti to a hospital. (The area was so bad that we passed two dead bodies on the street!) But, they could not operate on him at that time, and we had to come back to our orphanage. We could not make it back through the dangerous area to go to the hospital.
However, we have now located a very good hospital in the Dominican Republic that can do the surgery. However, we have to get a Passport for him, and at this time we cannot get him to the area to have his Passport made… the Embassy is closed. We will keep trying.
Yonel is a quiet boy. He is a hard worker and very good in school. He feels a little awkward around other boys his age, due to his hand… and he feels embarrassed. But, as soon as we can get his surgery, and he can begin to have the proper care to exercise his hand and fingers, those feelings will go away.
He is a quiet and sweet kid, who had a horrible father; a father who had never given him a hug, or told him that he did a good job, or told him that he was loved. We pray that as he grows and knows how fortunate he is, and that he will realize that he has a wonderful “Poppie Bobby,” and a Heavenly Father, and lots of brothers and sisters who love him abundantly! Please pray that we can get Yonel’s Passport and send him on for his surgery! Thank you and God bless you. – Sherry