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Another Heartwarming Story

Another Heartwarming Story

Watson who also helps us with our Gabion house project for the earthquake victims in south Haiti sent me this touching story. After Mr. Luckner lost his house during the earthquake in August 2021, we gave him a tent, then a sewing machine, and now the rocks are coming for his new Gabion house!!! Plus, he has received food. Thank you, we are doing this together. Please read the story from Watson below.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

“Morning again Sir Bobby, Mrs. Sherry, you remember Mr. Luckner, the old man who lost his house in the earthquake and his sewing machine which was his only resource to help his family, well today he is a happy man thanks to Love A Child. When we visited him, he was very sad, not for his destroyed house, but for his sewing machine. Love A Child gave him another sewing machine so that he could continue to work and today our representative in the Nippes area told him that we are going to build him a new house. This man cried with joy at the news. Thank you, donors, thanks to your support we are giving back joy to the people in the south of Haiti, especially in the Nippes area. Blessings, Watson”

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