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Another Update on Baby Elijah: 5-22-2015 1:30 PM

Elijah was left to die at the front gate of our Love A Child Orphanage about a year ago. But God had a plan for Elijah! Under the amazing care of Richard W. Hotes, the Hotes Foundation team, and his absolutely wonderful host family, this little guy is doing very well. He continues to grow into a healthy baby boy. Our biggest surprise is that he no longer needs to wear glasses! His vision has improved remarkably since January and the doctors actually said his movement tracking is “perfect.” We first thought that he was blind and deaf. What a blessing!! He now has 5 teeth with two more starting to come in. He is a “miracle baby!” Thank you and God bless all those that have been part of this miracle baby’s journey.  A special thank you to Richard W. Hotes, the Hotes Foundation team, his wonderful host family, and most of all, to God! Bobby and Sherry

PS: Click on the video links below to see the latest videos of Baby Elijah:


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