In the south of Haiti in the small town of Anse-a-Vaux, there are 231 prisoners in a jail that should hold less than 70 people. In Haiti, most jails do not provide meals, family members must bring food to the prison for the inmates. Only a small percentage of prisoners have families that can or will bring them food. This week our Love A Child team visited the prison in Anse-a-Vaux and made a hot meal and served all 231 prisoners. Not only do they not have beds, but most prisoners sleep on a piece of cardboard. In the last two months, three women gave birth inside the prison, where there is little water for drinking or even bathing. One of the newborns is less than two weeks old. Love A Child was allowed to bring sheets, pillows, and bed coverings for the mothers and these babies. Could these helpless babies be the least of His? Please pray, and please give right now to enable us to go back and help the helpless children of Haiti. Thank you!

Anse-a-Vaux Updated Report:
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