“At Our Gate…”
Early this morning, I received a call from those working at our front gate here at Love A Child. There were two young mothers with their babies… Mdm Mirna and her baby, Livenson, eight months old, and Mdm Enata, with Esmilda, age six. Both children were very small and frail. Both said they hadn’t fed their children for a while and could not take care of them. I told them, “Our Children’s Home is full, and we cannot accept any more children; I’m so sorry.” My heart was really broken “with the things that break the heart of God,” as a great man of God once said.
I went back and got two “backpacks” filled them with Feed My Starving Children food and cans of milk. I told them not to tell anyone what they had in the sack or where it came from. We had someone take them to our clinic because both children had skin diseases…we gave them money to get back home. They were so happy. We cannot “do everything,” but together, we can all “do something.”
Thank you, partners, for always caring for the poor,