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ATC 2023 Reforestation Project

ATC 2023 Reforestation Project

This came in to me from Wilner Exil, the head of our Agricultural Training Center. Helping Haitians, help themselves. Thank you, Hope Seeds, and Joe Perkins of Sustainable Food Production for the shade houses, and for all your help. All comes from a seed… Genesis 8:22

Plant a seed today and watch it grow!

Bobby Burnette

“Good night Big Boss! I hope you had a good day of work with Jesus. Big Boss, as part of the Agriculture Training Center (ATC) Reforestation Project for the year, 2023, yesterday and today, we prepared ‘medium’ for 2500 different plants. ‘Medium’ is a technical term. It is a composition of river sand, black soil, and compost. The dosage principle is 3-2-1; 3 wheelbarrows of black soil, 2 wheelbarrows of compost, and 1 wheelbarrow of river sand. You mix them together to become a medium that will raise the small plants in the plant house, what we call the nursery. Monday, God willing, we will start planting the seeds, or the seeds in the small pots (potting). Thank you for all your prayers and support that allows us to continue to stay strong. Wilner”

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