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Back in the UN Helicopter

Back in the UN Helicopter

Flying back to Love A Child from South Haiti. (Sherry, Bobby, Jesse, Kim, Watson, and Dieuferly)

We had a wonderfully successful trip, accomplishing so much. The earthquake Gabion houses were beyond our expectations. The Haitian families were happy and thankful. It brought tears to our eyes. We have a lot more to build, by faith!

We passed out food to many areas in the epicenter. We have been passing out food since one hour after the earthquake hit on Jan. 24th. And, we also gave out several more tents to those who lost their houses.

We visited the prison, shared Jesus, and prepared them a feast for lunch! By faith, we will help the prison with food and some needed construction. Some of the cells were crushed and the prisoners were put in overcrowded cells on top of each other.

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support.

We are doing this together for the Lord.

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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