Just look at our beautiful Love A Child girls dressed for church! Of course, there were lots more, but some were “still getting dressed!” The boys all looked so nice, but it takes girls so much longer to get ready, especially “our girls!” Here in Haiti, the majority of churches still believe in dressing your best for the “King of Kings!” They “love” Church! Most of the older girls were still getting dressed and they take “even longer!” Church is the focal point of their lives. Haitian Christians love music, singing, and chorales, special singers. Sometimes they sing a little off-key, but they love each song, anyway! Our children are also good musicians, (boys and girls) and the girls are so good at Praise and Worship Dance! They love the Lord! Each evening at 6:00 pm, you will see a post about one of the children! You will be amazed at their stories! Sherry

Beautiful LAC Girls
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