Beautiful Rebecca is 12 years old and in 8th grade. She loves school, loves being in the “praise dance team,” and loves sports. She is strong and muscular, but very pretty. Rebecca wants to be a dentist.
It was about nine years ago that our director, Nelio, happened to hear about a little girl who was going to be sold to a much older man, as a slave child. He was horrified and he “paid for Rebecca.” He brought her to the Social Services Department and they gave her to us. So, she has only known “these girls and boys” as her brothers and sisters. The girls say that she is “sweet, compassionate,” and merciful! Those are good qualities. She does well in school and loves helping in the orphanage, but she is a team player… she prefers to be with one or two, or, she is out “playing jump rope,” with a big long rope with the other girls! We are so proud of her and we all love her!